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My Journal by Massage Today

Extensive years of experience treating various muscular  conditions enables the  specialist to identify and write about various symptoms that may effect your body's  mental  and muscular functions  and how alternative therapy can assist in recovery. This page is a guide and by no means a diagnosis. If you need further assistance please contact the specialist or medical professional. The health and wellness page contains some interesting and important  information with a dedicated page to each topic. Please click on the topic of interest to you for full details. 

Occupational strain

Can your profession be the cause of your recurring muscular pain ?

 Professions or jobs that require employees to sit, stand, or bend in awkward positions for long periods of time often cause stress and strain on certain muscles. The majority of strains and sprains affect the back, arms, and shoulders


Massage and the Brain

Does massage have an effect on the brain?

Is there a connection between a massage and the brain? The answer is yes. Massage is known to stimulate serotonin and dopamine, improve brain wave activity as well as quality of sleep, and activate parasympathetic response.


Does worry or stress keep you awake at night?

Massage Therapy can help with stress related tension..

A large number of people in the UK have trouble with their sleep pattern. Some are finding it hard to fall asleep where as some have difficulties staying asleep preventing them from resting the body and mind. This can be the cause of various issues.


Weight training and Massage

Massage Therapy can have am impact on exercise of any type..

Sports Massage Therapy whilst regular weight training or other type of activities such as cycling or running can be vital to avoid injury and strain. It is important to maintain the healthy functioning of your muscles for optimum results. Read more on other topics on exercise and related issues.


Massage for Relaxation

The impact of massage therapy and relaxation..

Massage triggers the body to release hormones that encourage relaxation. Endorphins, serotonin and dopamine decrease the stress hormone. Explore how relaxation connects with your body and  the number of alternative therapies including massage therapy and breathing exercises available to you to help to relax your body and mind 

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